Inspiration 4 Everyone
Empowering People Through Positive Inspiration




Footprints in the Snow
One white and wintry Christmas Eve
in a village, long ago,
A young child took a journey,
leaving footprints in the snow.
Clutched within her tiny hand
she carried a small tattered heart,
Fashioned from some scraps of cloth,
wrapped in the charm of childlike art.
A manger scene of wood and straw
was the child's destination.
Her only Christmas wish,
to join Christ's birthday celebration.
She placed her precious handmade gift
upon the straw with care,
And before she turned to leave,
whispered a simple prayer.
The villagers who stood nearby
recall that night with awe,
Retelling every detail
of the miracle they saw…
A second set of footprints
appeared next to the girl's own.
They seemed to walk right by her side,
to see her safely home.
But there's no mystery in the presence
of this unseen Friend---
For once God's touched your heart,
you'll never walk alone again.
		Author Unknown





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