Inspiration 4 Everyone
Empowering People Through Positive Inspiration




What's wrong with today's teens

This isn't what's all wrong with teens, but there are a lot of times this would be true and this was written from a teen. I just hope that no matter who you are reading this, it makes you think some, that all that my goal here is.


What is wrong with today’s teens is today’s adults.

You used to wake me up, make my breakfast, pack my lunch and take me to the bus stop.
Now - I get myself up, eat no breakfast, and grab a candy bar for lunch.

You used to be there when I got off the bus - you listened to my day. Then you went to fix dinner while I played with my friends.
Now - I come home to an empty house, let myself in - I think we are called latch key kids. Let the dog out and try to find something to do to fill the lonely hours until you come home from work. This unsupervised time is the best time for me to get into trouble.

You used to listen to my problems and advise me.
Now - You are so busy with your job that you ignore my problems, and hope that they will go away - THEY DON’T

You used to take me on walks, bike ride with me, or swing me at the playground.
Now - You buy me “stuff”, the best money can buy, but you aren’t around to spend time with my anymore.

We used to get up and go to church as a family.
Now - It’s your only day to sleep in - so we don’t go anymore.

You used to take time to discipline me - to care enough to teach me right from wrong.
Now - You’re too exhausted to be concerned about me and the person I’m becoming.

I miss you - I miss the time we used to spend together. Where am I suppose to learn about life, To learn about character, belief in myself, honesty, work ethic, discipline, integrity, and GOD????




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