Inspiration 4 Everyone
Empowering People Through Positive Inspiration



The Church of God---alive or dead ?
By Carl Giordano
The Church of God was once alive,
only TRUTH did preachers tell;
but, now, they mostly tickle ears
while folks march off to HELL.
"As goes the church, so goes the nation"
someone has well said.
America is dying fast,
because the Church is dead.
In Revelation chapter three,
and verse one,
we find a message of WARNING
from God's beloved Son.
Jesus was the speaker,
and to His Church He said,
"You think that you are so alive,
but you are really dead."
But, Jesus did not end it there
in this His message sent,
He said His Church could live again
if they would just REPENT.
So, if we bow before our God
and get down on our knees,
the Holy Ghost will move again
from sea to shining seas.
The Church of God must rise again,
filled with FAITH and FIRE;
our preachers must be sent of God,
not the ones we hire.
Before he ascends to the pulpit,
we should swear the preacher in---
"Do you swear to tell all the TRUTH
and will you WARN of SIN ? "
And if he says---"I will,
for with the Gospel I am shod,
and I swear to tell the whole TRUTH,
and nothing else, so help me God."
Then let that preacher have his say,
let him say what needs to be said,
then the Church of God will come alive
and be no longer dead.
And, if the Church does come alive,
filled with HOLY GHOST POWER;
then America will live again
and see Her finest hour.





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